Our programs have been approved and accredited by the Argentine Association of Professional Ontological Coaching – AACOP and by the International Federation of Ontological Coaching – FICOP and has been approved and accredited by the International Coaching Federation – ICF as an Accredited Coach Training Program – ACTP. Our graduates may advance towards ACC and PCC ICF credentials and may join AACOP and FICOP as Professional Certified Ontological Coaches.

Programs approved by

Ekhart Tolle.

The Institute for Integral Studies is time-space where people can explore, design and live out their potential for being themselves. Its different courses and learning experiences help people to grow in a balanced and original way. The integral approach implies initiatives that explore and develop the different dimensions of our lives. It also includes prudent evaluation of the goals that we choose and creative development of the competencies that these goals require.

The philosophy that underlies its different activities is one that embraces possibility as the starting point or ontological base of all human activity. This same philosophy sees time not just as hours and minutes but rather as a structure that we offer this possibility. It suggests that we strive serenely to grow into the fullness of our own potential. It insists that we do so in an integral way, that is, by living out commitments to improvement in the different contexts where we live out our lives. It implies personal and social development. It requires development of thinking and emotional skills, body-work, the broadening of our cultural horizons and a commitment to social change.

The relationship that we offer and nourish is one of mutual trust and respect. We are conscious that such a relationship cannot prudently be offered in a naïve way. We maintain that it is the result of a sincere, responsible and competent commitment to progress in all that we do. We know that it implies the discernment of clear goals and the design and implementation of creative initiatives.
Our different courses and learning experiences include training in Coaching as well as a program of Ongoing Formation for people involved in processes of deep change and human resource development.

Nueva Sede

Salvador María del Carril 2337, Villa Pueyerredón, CABA.