Formation Program in Professional Coaching – the Ontological Journey and the ICF Journey

Professional Coaching is an invaluable set of competencies related to an interdisciplinary model that has established itself, not just as a tool for leaders, but as a valuable new profession. It is the consequence of a new paradigm that offers a profound procedure for individual and group change. It generates tools to understand the fundamental differences between different ways of proceeding and generating results.

The Institute for Integral Studies programs have been approved and accredited by the Argentine Association of Professional Ontological Coaching – AACOP and by the International Federation of Ontological Coaching – FICOP and has been approved and accredited by the International Coaching Federation – ICF as an Accredited Coach Training Program – ACTP of 125 hours duration. Our graduates may aspire to ACC and PCC ICF credentials and may associate themselves with AACOP and FICOP as Professional Certified Ontological Coaches.

Our Director, Lic. Ray Dalton, has formed part of successive Boards of Directors of the AACOP and is a Founding Partner of the ICF in Argentina.

At this present time the institute offers a two year formation program in Professional Ontological Coaching in Spanish – in a hibrid format that skillfully combines in-person with on-line participation.

It also offer a full 125 hour long International Coaching Federation Accredited Coach Training Program – ACTP – in Spanish and in English – in hibrid form – in-person and on line with synchronous and asynchronous options. This program fulfils the formation requisites for the journey towards certification as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) or Professional Certified Coach (PCC).

The hybrid interactive on-line  program is perfect for those interested in the professional coaching journey as well as being a highly successful in-company formation experience for leaders in the corporate and business world.

The program centers on the new ICF Eight Competency Model and also includes material from Positive Psychology, Mindfulness Training, Cognitive, Analytical, Gestalt and Constructivist Psychology as well as tools from Cultural Anthropology. Psychology as well as tools from the world of Cultural Anthropology. Students receive personalized mentoring in the coaching competencies through observed coaching sessions.

Our learners are adults committed to personal and professional growth and motivated by a search for continual improvement.

If you are interested please write to us at [email protected] or call us at +5491144056787